Metocean & Marine Environment

EGS provides Metocean and Environmental services
from shallow rivers to deep oceans.
EGS’s services range from dispersion and dilution studies
through to major integrated studies designed
to characterize the metocean environment.

EGS Metocean & Marine Environment Survey Services

Multi-parameter data collection
Underwater Noise Monitoring
Metocean Monitoring
Benthic Sampling

Metocean & Marine Environment

EGS provides Metocean and Environmental services in environments ranging from shallow rivers to deep oceans. In the coastal environment, EGS’s services range from dispersion and dilution studies for a proposed or existing outfall, through to major integrated studies designed to characterise the metocean environment and the resulting seabed response. EGS provides Metocean and Environmental services in all kind of environments being shallow rivers or deep oceans. In the coastal environment, EGS’s services range from dispersion and dilution studies for a proposed or existing outfall, through to major integrated studies designed to characterize the metocean environment and the resulting seabed response.
In the oceanic environment, EGS undertakes investigations for oil and gas exploration, dredging operations and offshore constructions including benthic and water sampling, long-term real-time weather, sea state and pack ice monitoring through bespoke web applications, tide and current measurements as well as underwater noise monitoring.
EGS employs a number of qualified oceanographers capable of producing high quality reports under ever shorter deadlines. EGS owns a large spread of oceanographic equipment and also offers customized integrated oceanographic sensors through its very active R&D department.

Multi-parameter data collection

Dynamic multi-parameter data collection and transmission enables a clear picture of the environmental processes at work. Data collection throughout the entire water column, followed by modeling or other analyses allows for potential impacts to be accurately predicted and construction operations to be monitored in real time. The following parameters can be measured:

  • Temperature
  • Salinity (density)
  • Turbidity and sediment load
  • pH
  • Dyetracing(typicallyRhodamineWT)
  • Dissolved Oxygen
  • Chlorophyll-A
  • CurrentVelocity
Multi-parameter instruments enable a real time simultaneous display of all sensor data with navigation overlay.

Underwater Noise Monitoring

Calibrated hydrophones are used to measure underwater sounds including: ship’s noise, marine construction and listening to marine mammals. Results can be presented as time displays; sound pressure density spectrum levels (dB re 1μPa2/Hz), or sonograms.

Metocean Monitoring

EGS offers long term onshore and offshore operations and maintenance of meteorological stations to record atmospheric parameters, water levels, tides, currents, waves using state of the art oceanographic and meteorological sensors.
EGS offers real-time data display through bespoke web applications. Data is then used by scientific communities for modeling or by private companies to plan for future developments.
EGS also developed an in house Ice probe which, when embedded in the ice, measures the temperature profile vertically through the ice as it melts, allowing acquisition of valuable physical properties of weather, ocean and ice movements.

Benthic Sampling

EGS provides benthic sampling services in coastal and deep water environments using box corers and grab sampler. Benthic sampling are carried out to establish an inventory of the flora and fauna.

CPT Survey

Water Property Observations

Grab Samples

Environmental Monitoring

The co-operation and working relationship between all parties during all phases of this project has been a text book example of how to conduct survey operations etc.

Holland, Geoff

I just wanted to take the opportunity presented by the end of survey data acquisition activities to say thank you and well done on the excellent performance of the EGS team through the execution of the works to date. Whilst I’m mindful that there is still much to do in terms of tide gauge recovery, data processing and deliverable preparation – the performance of all personnel involved to date from EGS and Broadsword has been exemplary and particularly, the professionalism and attention to detail of the site team. It’s also been particularly pleasing to see this complicated and challenging scope completed in such a competent and hassle-free manner.

Rhys Jones

I would like to thank you for this excellent survey. Your team was professional and knowledgeable. It was a pleasure to work with them.

Philippe Hubert

On behalf of TOTAL E&P PNG and InterOil, we would like to express our gratitude for the efficient operation of the survey as well as safe and timely return to Port Moresby. It was a pleasure working with you all on the ground. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors.

Anton A Safronov

ADCP Current Meter



Sound Velocity Profiler (SVP)

EGS Equipment

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